Florida Marijuana Growing

Can I Grow Marijuana in Florida

Florida provides no regulations on how to grow your own marijuana as the state prohibits residents from cultivating marijuana for recreational and medical purposes. Although Florida issues medical marijuana use registry cards to qualified patients in the state, the card does not certify the individuals named on them to cultivate marijuana for medical marijuana uses.

Currently, only one type of marijuana establishment may operate in Florida -Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MMTC). Such an establishment will be issued an MMTC license which permits the business to operate as a vertically integrated marijuana establishment. Hence, an MMTC can cultivate marijuana plants to be processed for the medical marijuana use of registered patients under the Florida medical marijuana program.

Note that anyone caught illegally cultivating cannabis may be charged with a third-degree felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000 perFlorida Statutes 893.13(1).

Can I Grow Marijuana for a Dispensary in Florida?

No. The State of Florida does not permit individuals or small businesses to grow marijuana for marijuana dispensaries in the state. Any individual or business intending to grow marijuana in the state must obtain an MMTC license. Since Amendment 2 was passed in Florida, the state legislature has mandated all MMTCs to have "vertical integration." Each MMTC has to manage its own marijuana supply from seed to sale. For more information on obtaining the MMTC license in Florida, visit the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use(OMMU) website.

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors in Florida

Florida marijuana laws contain no regulations on how to grow marijuana at home or how to grow marijuana indoors, as the state's statutes make no provisions for the home cultivation of marijuana.

How to Grow Hydroponic Marijuana

Many budding and seasoned cannabis cultivators often ask the question, what is hydroponic weed? Hydroponic weed refers to cannabis plants cultivated using a nutrient-water solution and an inert growth environment instead of nutrient-rich soil. Growing weed hydroponically allows easier nutrient delivery for cannabis plants and allows cannabis to grow quicker (30% - 50% faster) than when cultivated through conventional means. A cannabis plant grown in a hydroponic medium does not require too much space for cultivation and uses less water than traditional soil cultivation.

Despite these merits to growing marijuana in a hydroponic medium, certain drawbacks exist to cultivating marijuana in the medium. The initial setup for a hydroponic system costs more than a soil-based cannabis cultivation setup. It can be challenging to justify the setup of a hydroponic system, except it is for a long-term venture. A hydroponic setup also requires high precision in the cultivation process, as nutrient uptake in such a system is so direct that any mistake may kill off an entire crop. In a traditional soil setup, the soil dilutes the nutrient balance, offering a buffer for when the balance is slightly off. The pumps utilized in a hydroponic setup provide oxygen, water, and nutrients. Hence, power outages in such setups can be disastrous for cannabis growth.

The first step in understanding how to grow hydroponic weed is determining what type of hydroponic system you should set up. A hydroponic system can be an active setup or a passive setup. Active hydroponic systems provide the nutrient solution to the different marijuana plants at specified intervals using a pump. The nutrient solution is frequently recirculated throughout the system and plants. There are three distinct kinds of active hydroponic systems: Rockwool, Flood and Drain, and NFT. Each of the three approaches has specific benefits in certain circumstances. It is up to cannabis cultivators to select which method best serves their needs. Active hydroponics systems leverage modern technology to keep cannabis plants watered, fed, and aerated. The systems use electric air pumps and air stones to supply cannabis roots with the required nutrients to produce healthy plants. Cannabis cultivators using active hydroponic systems can automate their setups using advancements in technology to reduce their workload.

Passive hydroponics cultivation for cannabis plants uses wicks or anchors to supply the required nutrients to plant roots. The nutrients are pushed from the air pump reservoir to the growth tray and delivered to the plant roots using a wick mechanism. A passive setup is usually a good choice for cultivators setting up hydroponics systems for the first time. It is easy to set up but is not suited for large plant cultivators as it may lack efficiency in nutrient use. Since the wick system is passive, no pumps or moving components are required.

In order to grow cannabis hydroponically, follow these steps:

Start with sterile equipment: This step may not be required if you can purchase new equipment for your hydroponic setup. However, eventually, all tanks, reservoirs, pipes, filters, and any other physical components of your hydroponic system should be sanitized to prevent the spread of pathogens, especially root rots. Plan to have multiple bottles of isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide on hand to sanitize your equipment regularly.

Start with clean pH neutral water: The water running through your hydroponic system should ideally have a pH of 7. If not, you may use a reverse osmosis (RO) system to provide neutral water. Distilled water may also be used until a reverse osmosis system is available.

Monitor the temperature levels: The water running through your hydroponic system should be about 65 degrees Fahrenheit to allow adequate nutrient absorption and minimize algal formation. The air temperature, on the other hand, may be warmer. Your marijuana plants should be healthy if you can keep the temperature in your grow room to about 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Maintain appropriate humidity levels: Cannabis plants thrive in varying degrees of humidity depending on their developmental stage. When the plants are young, humidity levels should be 60 - 70%. The plants only need around 40% humidity as they mature and enter the flowering period. This is best achieved with the use of a humidifier and dehumidifier.

Ensure proper lighting: Several types of grow lights are available, each with its own set of merits and demerits. The best grow lights for your setup will be determined by the available space, the distance between your lights, plants, and your budget. For bigger grow rooms with excellent circulation and ventilation, high-intensity discharge (HID) lights are preferable. For smaller spaces, compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are preferable. Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights provide adequate light for small grow areas but are more expensive than CFLs. Whatever grow light type you choose, ensure that it can generate enough light between 400 and 700 nanometers. A low-cost light meter may help you evaluate if your grow lights are doing their job.

Maintain proper airflow: Keeping the air circulating is important for plant health and promotes equal temperature dispersion. Fans should be positioned or situated to cover the widest area possible without being impeded. Proper ventilation will not only assist in maintaining adequate air temperatures if the temperature rises too high, but it will also aid in air exchange.

Track pH levels: Tracking pH levels is not difficult, as pH meters are readily available for purchase. This step is significant because if the pH of your water is not within the proper range, your plants will not develop properly and may die. Aim for a pH of approximately 6.0 for hydroponic cannabis but you may allow for a range of upper 5s to low 6s.

Monitor electric conductivity readings: The total dissolved solids (TDS) in your hydroponic water are measured by electrical conductivity (EC). As with pH, there are several efficient meters on the market, and many of them take both measurements (pH and EC). The EC level indicates how nutrient-dense your circulating water is. If the electrical conductivity is too low, your plants will not receive enough nutrients; if it is too high, you will "burn" your plants with too much nutrition. The EC for hydroponically cultivated cannabis will vary depending on the stage of development.

When seedlings or clones are initially introduced into a system, their EC levels should be less than 1.3, and for clones, they may even be as low as 0.5. However, when they begin to mature, you should aim to maintain an EC level approaching 2.0. When plants reach the flowering stage, they may need an EC of up to 2.5, depending on the cultivated strain. Check your EC levels regularly. The more closely you can maintain optimum EC levels, the more healthy your cannabis plants will be.

Find a reputable seed source: All of the planning, preparation, and acquisition of cultivation equipment will not transform a cannabis seed with bad genetics into a healthy strain. Cannabis plants can only generate what they are genetically programmed to produce. Improving the seed's growing environment and attending to the seed's needs guarantees that it comes as near to reaching its full potential as feasible.

How to Grow Marijuana in a Box

A grow box for marijuana is a self-contained cultivation environment for the cannabis plant. A grow box includes everything you need to cultivate from seed to weed, including grow lights, water lines, and nutrients. Usually, grow boxes are the best option for beginner cultivators because they provide everything needed for cultivation in a simple-to-use setup. Grow boxes are helpful where there are time and space constraints.

You may choose a hydroponic grow box or a soil grow box when purchasing marijuana grow box. However, there are merits and demerits to each. In a hydroponic grow box, the box is delivered with nutrient-infused water that would otherwise have been provided by rain and soil. The roots of the cannabis plant cultivated in a hydroponic box are regularly bathed with the required nutrients, while the cannabis plant grown in a soil box has to extend its root to find its nutrients. In a soil grow box, the chance of a disease attack is higher than in a hydroponic environment. The minerals supplied to cannabis plants in a hydroponic grow box are delivered much faster and absorbed more quickly, leading to increased yields. On the other hand, a soil grow box requires less effort and maintenance than a hydroponic grow box and can help harvested products retain valuable natural flavors.

Although marijuana grow boxes are typically purchased as kits, complete with a self-contained atmosphere, they can also be built independently. Building your own marijuana grow box is generally less expensive since you can shop around for good deals on hydroponic grow systems and grow lights to discover the best ones for your budget. You may spend as little or as much as you prefer this way.

Making your own marijuana grow box entails making the most of your available grow area. If you have limited space or awkward dimensions, building your own grow box ensures that you use all of the space you have to grow marijuana and that none goes to waste.

If DIY projects are not your forte, you may prefer to buy a pre-made, all-inclusive marijuana grow box. When the grow box arrives, all you have to do is plug it in and plant your seeds. While ready-made grow boxes are usually more expensive, they are also considerably more efficient and not as time-consuming as DIY grow boxes. Another merit to purchasing a grow box is being confident that all of the components making up the box will work together. Pre-built boxes are usually tightly knit together, ensuring no openings for light or odor to seep out. Pre-built grow boxes are more efficient, requiring less energy to operate, which will save you much money in the long term.

If you intend to make your own marijuana grow box, you will require the following items:

  • Grow lights: Grow lights help encourage photosynthesis. Your grow lights may be CFL, HID, or LED
  • Intake and exhaust fan: This item is useful for appropriate ventilation in circulating air inside the grow box
  • Air dump: Air dump is used to cycle out old air and pumping in fresh air into the system
  • Carbon filter: The carbon filter is used to regulate odor control in the grow box
  • Nutrients: Both macronutrients and micronutrients are required when cultivating marijuana in a grow box. The macronutrients include calcium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sulfur. Micronutrients include chlorine, boron, manganese molybdenum, copper, and iron
  • Hydroponics or soil system
  • Growing pots or containers
  • Timer

When you purchase a marijuana grow box, it typically arrives in pieces that you have to fit together to set up. The box pieces in the package will likely include a water reservoir, the planter, and a nutrient patch cover. Everything required to grow weed is included in the box except for potting mix (growing medium) and the seeds to be planted. The planting instructions, containing photos to make the entire process stress-free for you, will be included in the package.

Follow the instructions in the grow box package in order to add the potting mix to the grow box appropriately. It is recommended that you keep the potting mix moist by filling the planter halfway full with the potting mix and filling it with water. Typically, a pre-built grow box comes with nutrients and fertilizers to help the cultivator create ideal growing conditions and a cover to inhibit weed growth and retain moisture.

How to Grow Marijuana Outdoors in Florida

The State of Florida has not enacted any regulations or provided detailed instructions on how to grow marijuana outside. Hence, residents seeking information on how to grow outdoor marijuana in Florida must wait till the state legalizes the outdoor cultivation of marijuana.

How Long Does It Take to Grow Marijuana?

Growing a weed plant from seed to harvest may take anywhere from 3-8 months. The most variation in the period taken by a marijuana plant to develop occurs during the vegetative stage, which happens after the seedling and before the flowering stage. If weed is cultivated indoors, you may be able to get the plant to flower after a few weeks for small cultivation. It is likely to take longer to get to the harvest stage when you grow weed outdoors because you have no control over climate conditions.

Besides your cultivation location (indoor or outdoor), other factors determining how long it takes to grow marijuana include the cannabis strain cultivated, desired yields, and the setup. The cannabis strain cultivated has a significant impact on the seed to harvest time. Some cannabis strains only take three months to be ready for harvest, while others may take five months or more. Note that breeders are likely to offer estimates, so consider that when purchasing from a seed source. The whole seed to harvest process is quicker if you start with a rooted cutting (clone) or an auto-flower seed.

If you grow the Indica strain, the period between seed to flower is 8 - 12 weeks. The Indica seed also gives a higher-end yield than other strains, with cultivators preferring it because the seed can be grown in more frequent cycles indoors. Also, outdoor cultivators can time multiple growing cycles before the weather becomes unconducive for cultivation. The Sativa seed takes about 10 - 12 weeks to flower and produces smaller yields in many instances. The hybrid seed is a mix of Sativa and Indica strains. It grows faster to the vegetative stage like the Sativa strain but has a shorter flowering period - approximately 6 - 10 weeks.

The following are the stages in the seed to harvest cycle for growing marijuana plants:

Germination Phase (3 - 10 days): Cannabis seeds may be planted directly in the soil, although most growers prefer to coax out taproots before placing seeds in their growth media. Establishing these early roots provides added strength to cannabis seeds throughout the critical seedling period. It also enables cultivators to "weed out" any poor seeds ahead of time, rather than worrying about whether they will take root in the soil.

Wrapping seeds in a slightly wet paper towel and covering them with a plate is one straightforward way to jump-start sprouting. You may also put seeds in a glass of clean water. The key is to keep these seeds away from light.

You should also take additional precautions to prevent contaminating seeds with your fingertips. Some cannabis producers use tweezers to minimize unintended cross-contamination. You should notice white roots emerging from your seeds in less than a week. There are some unusual circumstances when it may take more than two weeks, but you should generally not wait more than 14 days. Every day, check your seeds for proof of progress and put them in starter pods after they show signs of development.

Seedling Phase (2 - 4 weeks): Cannabis seedlings are fragile when they first come to life. You must use soft lighting for 16 hours each day during this phase, such as a dimmed LED or a CFL bulb. In addition, always use pH-corrected water to spritz your cannabis seedlings. Seedlings will have little rounded leaves called cotyledons at first. However, the actual cannabis fan leaves should appear as your plant matures. The number of leaves on a plant usually indicates when it has transitioned from seedling to vegetation.

When you notice four to five pairs of fan leaves, your plant should be robust enough to move to a bigger container. After two to three weeks, your seedlings should be ready to transplant into your main soil container.

Vegetation Phase (3 - 16 weeks): During this stage, your plants will swiftly develop and grow stems and fan leaves. Lighting is perhaps the most critical factor during vegetation. To keep your strains in vegetation, you must keep your lights on for at least 18 hours every day. You may do this for as long as possible, but most strains are ready to transition after four to eight weeks.

Flowering Phase (8 - 11 weeks): To go from the vegetation to the flowering stage, change your light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12. The reduction in daylight hours parallels the natural seasonal transition from summer to autumn and causes significant changes in plant hormones. Monitoring flowering plants is similar to monitoring vegetation, except you will need to switch to flowering nutrients and drop your ambient temperature.

The duration of the flowering stage is determined mainly by the typical growth period of your strain. Monitoring the size and color of the trichomes is the only method to determine when to harvest buds. Flowering time for most strains is eight weeks; however, Sativa strains may easily extend that time by two or three weeks.

Harvest: Your plant will be ripe for harvest when the flowers are compact and the pistils turn brown or orange. The pistils resemble "hairs" emerging from the flowers.

Florida Marijuana Growing