Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Florida?

Can You Smoke Weed in Florida?

Yes, persons eligible to access cannabis can also smoke marijuana in Florida. Enacted in March 2019, Senate Bill 182 permits qualified medical providers to determine that smoking is a suitable route for the administration of medical cannabis by patients. However, only eligible medical marijuana patients in the state can smoke cannabis in the form of marijuana flowers. Recreational marijuana remains illegal in Florida; hence, it is unlawful for anyone to smoke weed for recreational purposes.

Can You Smoke Weed in Public in Florida?

No. It is illegal for anyone, including registered medical cannabis patients, to smoke marijuana in any public place in Florida. Per state law, smoking weed in any of the following places is prohibited:

  • On any public transport
  • In a private vehicle, school bus, motorboat, or an aircraft
  • On the grounds of any preschool, primary school, or secondary school

Can You Smoke Weed in a Vehicle in Florida?

No, Florida cannabis laws prohibit ingesting or smoking medical marijuana in a vehicle, whether moving or stationary. Smoking weed in a motor vehicle is considered smoking cannabis in a public place, which is illegal under the state's medical marijuana laws. Registered medical cannabis patients in Florida may drive with medical marijuana products in their vehicles while carrying their medical marijuana cards. However, it is unlawful for them to administer such products in their vehicles or be under the influence of marijuana while driving. In Florida, it is best to keep medical marijuana products in a private place like the trunk, a bag, or a glove box when driving with them. Additionally, the products should remain sealed in their original packaging.

Who Can Smoke Marijuana in Florida?

Only qualifying medical cannabis patients whose medical providers have determined that smoking cannabis is appropriate for them can smoke medical marijuana in Florida. Such patients are issued certifications for smoking to enable them to purchase smokable medical cannabis from state-licensed medical marijuana treatment centers. Unless an under-18 patient is diagnosed with a terminal condition and a second healthcare provider (a Florida Board of Medicine-certified pediatrician) concurs, they cannot smoke medical marijuana in Florida. A qualified physician must have a patient sign an updated consent form in the Medical Marijuana Use Registry before the patient can purchase smokable cannabis.

Where Can You Legally Smoke Weed in Florida?

In Florida, medical marijuana patients with certifications for smoking may smoke or vape medical cannabis in their private residences if the property owners do not object. Per Section 381.986 of Florida Statutes, qualified medical patients may also smoke medical cannabis in hospices, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities if their (facilities') policies do not ban the medical use of cannabis.

It is unlawful for anyone to smoke medical marijuana in an enclosed indoor workplace, per the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act. Similarly, smoking medical cannabis on federal properties or college campuses within the state's borders is illegal.

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