Miami Medical Marijuana Card

Apply For Florida Medical Marijuana Card in Miami

Miami Medical Marijuana Card

Miami medical marijuana cards are only issued to residents diagnosed with one or more of the medical conditions recognized by Florida’s medical cannabis law. The state requires a licensed physician to recommend such a patient for cannabis treatment. Miami residents under 18 years can also apply for MMJ cards as long as their parents or legal guardians provide their consent.

Do I Need to See a Doctor for a Medical Marijuana Card in Miami?

Yes, a qualifying medical marijuana patient in Miami must see a physician before applying for a Florida medical marijuana card. They must be diagnosed and certified by a qualified physician to have one or more of the qualifying medical conditions for medical cannabis in the state. The 2023 Florida Statutes, Section 381.986(1) allows only Florida-licensed allopathic and osteopathic physicians to recommend medical marijuana in Miami. The physicians must be registered by the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU). Florida House Bill 387 mandates a physical, in-person examination of a qualifying medical marijuana patient by a physician before their initial certification. Subsequent recertifications can be done via telemedicine.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Miami

To get a Miami MMJ, an eligible patient must be diagnosed with a qualifying condition by a registered physician and obtain certification for medical cannabis. The physician will register the patient in the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR). Afterward, the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use will send the patient an email prompting them to complete their application. To apply for a Miami medical marijuana card by mail, the patient must send the following to the OMMU:

The complete application package must be submitted to the OMMU at:

Office of Medical Marijuana Use

P.O. Box 31313

Tampa, FL 33631-3313

How to Get a Miami Medical Marijuana Card Online

Miami residents can apply for medical marijuana cards online after they have been registered on the Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR) by qualified physicians. They must use the login credentials sent to their email addresses to access their card application pages on the registry. Afterward, patients must upload all required documentation, including proof of Miami residency and full-face, color photographs, and pay their application fees via e-checks or debit/credit cards. Typically, the OMMU processes online applications for Miami MMJ cards within 10 business days.

How Long Does Miami Medical Marijuana Card Last?

A Miami MMJ cardholder must renew their medical marijuana identification card annually. A renewal application should be submitted within 45 days before the expiration of a current card.

How Much Does it Cost to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Miami?

Miami MMJ card costs $75 for initial and renewal applications. Online payments attract an extra charge of $2.75. In addition, a returned or declined payment attracts an additional processing fee of $15.

Can Minors Get Medical Marijuana Cards in Miami?

Yes, minors can get medical marijuana cards in Miami. Section 381.986 (6) of the 2023 Florida Statutes mandates qualifying medical marijuana patients under 18 years to designate adult caregivers to assist them with the use of medical cannabis. Qualifying patients who are minors in Miami must provide signed consent forms from their parents or legal guardians and be certified by two qualified physicians for medical marijuana use.

How to Renew Medical Marijuana Card in Miami

A registered Miami medical marijuana cardholder can renew their Miami MMJ card by following the same process as the initial application. However, they are not required to have a physical, in-person examination by a physician. The physician may examine them via telehealth. Miami medical marijuana card renewal application costs $75.

Does Miami Accept Out-of-State MMJ Cards?

No. Miami does not accept out-of-state MMJ cards. However, Florida law permits seasonal Miami residents to apply for medical marijuana cards by following the OMMU guidelines. Their applications will be reviewed on an individual basis by the OMMU before MMJ cards are issued to successful applicants.

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