Marijuana Dispensaries in Plantation

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Plantation?

No. You cannot find marijuana dispensaries in the City of Plantation, as adult-use cannabis sales are illegal statewide. Note that Florida statutes classify marijuana as a controlled or prohibited substance.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Plantation?

No. There are no medical marijuana treatment centers (MMTCs), also called medical marijuana dispensaries, in Plantation. Per Section 27-112 of the Plantation Code of Ordinances, MMTCs are prohibited within the boundaries of the City of Plantation.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Plantation?

No. You cannot buy weed from online weed dispensaries in Plantation, as there are no marijuana dispensaries in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Plantation

There are no weed dispensaries in the City of Plantation.

Plantation Dispensary Laws

There are no provisions in the City of Plantation Code of Ordinances for marijuana retail outlets to operate in the city. The city, pursuant to Section 27-112 of its code, bans the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. Note that the city also abides by the state law prohibiting recreational marijuana sales.

Recreational Laws in Plantation

It is illegal to have marijuana in Plantation except if you have an active license or card to possess the substance. Pursuant to Florida statutes, possessing up to a quarter ounce or 20 grams is deemed a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 12 months imprisonment, a fine of up to $1,000, and the suspension of the offender's driver's license.

Also, marijuana cultivation is typically a third-degree felony, with penalties including prison and drug offender probation for offenders. Persons caught driving under the influence of cannabis in Plantation will be arrested for DUI.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Plantation

In 2014, Florida passed the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act, which permits residents of Plantation and other Florida jurisdictions with specific medical illnesses (epilepsy, cancer, HIV/AIDS, Crohn's disease, and others) to consume low-THC cannabis if their physician recommends it. Since March 2019, Florida's marijuana laws have permitted the sale of smokable marijuana at marijuana treatment facilities to patients with medical marijuana cards.

The marijuana compliance rules in Florida do not prohibit employers in the City of Plantation from conducting drug tests on employees and applicants. According to Senate Bill 8-A, companies may enforce drug-free workplace initiatives and are not compelled to provide accommodations for employees with medicinal marijuana cards.

Under the medical cannabis laws in effect in the City of Plantation:

  • In order to purchase medicinal cannabis, patients must first be registered in the state's medical marijuana registry and be issued valid medical marijuana cards

  • Medical cannabis consumption is permitted on privately owned land but illegal on all public and federally owned lands and structures

  • It is against the law to produce cannabis at home and to drive a vehicle while under the influence of cannabis, even if it is for medicinal purposes

  • There is a 2.5-ounce purchase limit on smokable marijuana over a 35-day period and a 70-day limit of 24,500 mg of THC for non smokable marijuana forms. Daily THC dosages are capped at:

    • 150 mg for topical products

    • 200 milligrams for tinctures and capsules

    • 190 milligrams for suppositories and sublinguals

    • 350 milligrams for vapes

    • 60 milligrams for edible products

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Plantation

To obtain a medical marijuana card in Plantation, you must have a permanent or seasonal resident status in the city. To qualify as a seasonal resident in Plantation, you must live in the city for a minimum of 31 consecutive days every calendar year, return to your jurisdiction at least once during the calendar year, and be registered to vote or pay an income tax in another state or jurisdiction. You may be an adult or minor; however, you must designate an adult Florida resident as a caregiver to administer medical cannabis on your behalf.

Follow these steps to obtain a medical marijuana card in the City of Plantation:

  • Get a medical cannabis recommendation: You are required to have a qualified healthcare practitioner verify that you have one of the conditions for which medical marijuana is approved under the Florida medical marijuana program. The verification must be in the form of a certification issued attesting that you are aware of the potential risk of medical cannabis use. You may find approved physicians under the state medical marijuana program using the OMMU physician search tool. Note the conditions approved by the state are:

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    • Epilepsy

    • Glaucoma

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • HIV/AIDS

    • Parkinson's disease

    • Crohn's disease

    • Chronic non-malignant pain arising from a qualifying condition

    • Terminal illnesses diagnosed by a Florida-licensed physician who is not the certifying physician

    • Medical conditions similar to the listed ones

  • Register with the OMMU online or by mail: If you meet the requirements for medical cannabis use at your meeting with the certifying physician, the healthcare provider will enter your information into the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR). You will get an email from the OMMU confirming your registration for the MMUR and including information on how to access your profile. After, log in to the MMUR profile to submit an application for a medical marijuana card. If you choose to complete your medical marijuana card application by mail, you must include the following in the application:

Submit to:

_Office of Medical Marijuana Use_

_PO Box 31313_

_Tampa, FL 33631-3313_ 
  • Wait for Approval: After submitting your application, wait for approval from the OMMU, which usually takes several days or weeks. If you completed your application online, it typically takes ten days for the OMMU to approve it. The application review is shorter for online applicants because the OMMU checks the information provided with your data in the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles database. If the information matches, the process can be expedited

You may check the MMUR Identification Cards page of the OMMU website for more information on getting a medical marijuana card in Plantation.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Plantation?

The recreational use of cannabis is illegal in Plantation. However, medical marijuana usage is permitted on private properties. Public use of medical marijuana is prohibited in Plantation.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Plantation Dispensary

There are no approved dispensaries in Plantation. Hence, cannabis sales in Plantation are illegal.

The Average Price in Plantation

Cannabis sales are illegal in Plantation.

Most Popular Strains in Plantation

Cannabis is not sold legally in the City of Plantation.

Can You Smoke in Public in Plantation?

Smoking, eating, or consuming marijuana in any form is not legal in public places in the City of Plantation, including public buildings, streets, alleys, walkways, highways, or cars.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Plantation?

Patients registered with the Florida Medical Marijuana Use Registry in Plantation are allowed to have up to 2.5 ounces of medical cannabis every 35 days. They may carry up to 4 ounces of the substance at any time.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Plantation?

No. It is illegal to transport cannabis beyond state lines in or out of the City of Plantation. Although cannabis use is legal in the city, it remains illegal federally and may not be transported across state borders.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Plantation?

You cannot order cannabis online in the city, as there are no authorized retail outlets in Plantation.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Plantation?

No. There are no dispensaries in Plantation.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Plantation?

Tourists cannot visit dispensaries in Plantation as there are no dispensaries there.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Plantation?

There are no authorized businesses dispensing cannabis in Plantation.

Best Dispensaries in Plantation

There are no dispensaries in Plantation.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Plantation?

There are no medical or recreational marijuana dispensaries in Plantation.

How Many Dispensaries are in Plantation?

There are no marijuana retailers in the City of Plantation.

Can Dispensaries in Plantation Take Credit Cards?

There are no cannabis dispensaries authorized to operate in Plantation.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot go to a dispensary in Plantation as no businesses have been authorized to sell cannabis there.

Do Dispensaries in Plantation Take Health Insurance?

No. Plantation does not have cannabis dispensaries.

Do Dispensaries in Plantation Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no weed retailers in Plantation.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Plantation at Age 18?

There are no dispensaries in Plantation to visit in the city.

Where Can I Find the Plantation Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) regulates medical marijuana activities in the City of Plantation. You may contact the OMMU at:

Medical Marijuana Use Office

PO Box 31313

Tampa, FL 33631-3313


How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Plantation?

You may report illegal cannabis operations in the city by contacting the Plantation Police Department or filing an online complaint with the Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU). To contact the Plantation Police Department, call the department at (954) 797-2100. To file complaints to the OMMU, send an email to